Design Build

An integrated project delivery method where the contractor, the
design staff and the owner are molded into a team to provide
comprehensive building solutions with a single source of
This must be an experienced design build team:
They must know how to work together
They must understand and respect the roles of the other
team members
They must share the same values
They must openly communicate—that means listening and speaking freely
Be sure to select the RIGHT TEAM based on qualifications!
The design build process begins with a meeting of the owner, design staff, and contractor.
Project goals are set including:
Project Scope
Budget And Schedule
Roles And Responsibilities
This brings CREATIVITY, CONTROL, and ACCOUNTABILITY to the construction process.
Together, the team works through the design, the codes, construction methods, material delivery, and the cost.
The Results Are:
Reduction Or Elimination of Field Problems
Streamlined Construction Schedule
Maximized Cost Savings
Utilization Of The Latest Construction Technology
The Most Effective Way To Successfully Impact The Outcome Of Any Project Is To Take Action Early In The Process
Creative Input From The Contractor, The Design Staff And The Owner Throughout The Process Will Help Ensure Project Success
The Architect And Engineers Apply Sound Design Principles
At The Same Time The Contractor Reviews The Developing Design For Constructability And Cost Impact
All Decisions Are Measured Against The Owner’s Scope, Budget And Schedule
The contractor will help the team make informed decisions. The team has immediate feedback on how a design decision impacts project cost and schedule.
Quality Control Is A Team Effort:
Risks are reduced when the team is constantly aware of defined quality standards
Quality is built in during the entire process (not added in at the last minute)
The team looks for ways to improve quality throughout the entire process
How well the finished project meets the owner’s needs and expectations is the real measure of a project’s success. This is achieved through the design build process.
With design build project delivery, there is ultimately a single point of responsibility and that is the design build contractor. The design build contractor is ultimately accountable for the construction, cost and quality of the entire project; he is accountable to the owner throughout the project to ensure the success of the design and construction. With this accountability comes risk and it is the design build contractor’s responsibility to manage this risk.
The design build contractor is involved throughout the process and works with the design staff and the owner to develop necessary construction documents. He manages the cost throughout the project to match the owner’s budget, and manages the project to be sure that the owner receives a well built project (on time, on budget and matches the owner’s scope). The design build contractor is not without support – everyone is accountable to the other.
How Does This Benefit The OWNER?
Early and continuous cost information
Guaranteed maximum price before the design is finished
Competitive bidding (by contractor)
Shortened design period
Shortened construction time
Quicker occupancy of the building
Continuous quality evaluation
One contract / one fee
“Open-Book” policy
No “Finger Pointing” (less litigation)
You will be glad you selected the RIGHT TEAM!